The Thanksgiving Standard

imageOne year, I created a Thanksgiving Dinner standard. That is to say, I made a little brochure with all of our standard recipes and also a table to figure out the cooking times. Primarily, this is an aid in making dinner so we don’t get lost in all of the work. Additionally, I have had a few requests for “How do you make turkey dinner because I never did it before?”

The Game

So, every year, we follow the standard. And, every year, I update the standard for the little things that we forgot to put on the list. This year, we also tried a new recipe for green bean casserole – it is made in a slow cooker. This makes it a little easier to manage all the stuff that has to go into the oven.

Win Condition

So far, the perfect turkey day continues to elude us. There is always something that we could have done better. Every year, we forget one little thing that we just “never forget.” From a standard perspective that remains a win, not quite a total victory.


Thanksgiving Dinner – the Brochure